Operating System: Xv6 on RISC-V - Part 3

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Operating System: Xv6 on RISC-V - Paging & Page Table


  • Physical memory partitioned into equal-sized page frames. The typical size of a page frame is 4KB. Other possible page sizes: 512B, 64KB, 1MB, 4MB, etc
  • Memory only allocatied in page frames. No external fragmentation. Can still have internal fragmentation(no enought space left within a page frame).

Physical Address

  • A physical address can be split into a pait (f, o)
    • f: frame number (f_max frames)
    • o: offset within the frame (O_max bytes/frame)
  • Physical address = f * O_max + o
  • As long as frame size is power of 2, easy to split address using bitwise operations

Physical Address Example

Suppose a 16-bit address space with 512(2^9) byte page frames.
Address 1542(0x0606) can be translated to:

  • Frame: 1542 / 512 = 0x606 » 9 = 3
  • Offset: 1542 % 512 = 0x606 & 0x1ff = 6 Physical Address Example

Virtual Address

  • A process’s virtual address space is partitioned into equal-sized pages. A virtual address is a pair (p, o)
    Virtual page size = Physical frame size
    • p: page number (p_max pages)
    • o: offset within the page (O_max bytes/page)
  • Virtual address = p * O_max + o Virtual Address

Page Mapping

  • 1:1 mapping of page-aligned virtual addresses to physical frames
  • Imagine a big ole’ table (BOT):
    • Number of table entries = number of virtual page addresses/page size
  • Address translation:
    • Virtual page number -> BOT entry -> Physical frame number
    • Add offset to physical frame number to get physical address
  • Pages are contiguous in virtual address space, but not necessarily in physical address space
  • Not all pages are mapped to physical memory at all times
    • Some pages may be swapped out to disk
    • Some pages may be shared between processes

Page Table

Page Table

Page Table Example

Dealing with Large Tables

  • Add additional levels of page table
  • Sub-dividing page number into k parts Multi-level Page Table

A single-level, 1-1 page table takes enormous space.

  • Linked list – too slow to walk
  • Hashed table – collision
  • Multi-level page table

32-bit x86 Page Table

32-bit x86 Page Table

  • Each table is exactly one page. 4KB(4096) for x86
  • Two-level of page table
    • Page Directory: 1024 entries
    • Page Table: 1024 entries
  • CR3 (a control register): stores the physical base (PA » 12) of the page directory table

Page Table Entries(PTEs)

Page Table Entries

  • Fixed bits for the PFN (Page frame number) of the next PTs or pages.
    • Physical address = PFN * page size
  • The remaining bits are used for flags, or reserved for OS use
    • P (Present): Is the page present or not?
    • R/W (Read/Write): Is the page read-only or readable/writable?
    • U/S (User or Supervisor): User or kernel page?
    • A (Accessed): page has been read
    • D (Dirty): page has been written
    • G (Global): page is shared among processes

32-bit Paging Example

32-bit Paging Example In the 32-bit x86 architecture, the size of the page is 4KB. So the offset need multiple 4.

  • A 32-bit page table can reference up to 4GB of physical memory. 32-bit PAE

Question 1

  • If you have:
    • 34-bit address space (both VA & PA)
    • 1024-byte pages
    • Each PTE needs at least 6 flags and 2 bits reserved
    • How many levels of page tables?

Calculate the number of levels of page tables

  • Offset: log2(1024) = 10 bits
  • Virtual Page Number (VPN) Bits: 34 bits - 10 offset bits = 24 bits
  • Physical Page Frame Number (PPN) Bits: 34 bits - 10 offset bits = 24 bits
  • Page Table Entry (PTE) Size: Each PTE needs to hold the PPN (24 bits), 6 flags (F) and 2 reserved bits.
    • PTE Size = PPN bits + F bits + reserved bits = 24 + 6 + 2 = 32 bits
  • Number of bytes per PTE: 32 bits / 8 bits/byte = 4 bytes
  • Levels of page tables (Multi-level paging):
    • The number of levels is determined by the size of the VPN and the maximum size a single page table can accommodate.
    • L = VPN bits / log2(page size/bytes per PTE)
      = 24 / log2(1024/4)
      = 24 / log2(256)
      = 24 / 8
      = 3 levels

Question 2

  • How many levels of page tables are needed for 64-bit address space?
    • Each page is still 4KB
    • Each PTE or PDE or any intermediate-level entry is 64 bits (8 bytes)
    • Is it practical to map all 0~2^{64} -1 VAs to all 0~2^{64} -1 PAs?

Calculate the number of levels of page tables

  • Number of PTEs per page: 4KB / 8 bytes = 512 PTEs
  • PTE bits: 9 bits
  • VPN bits: 64 bits - 12 offset bits = 52 bits
  • Levels: 52 / 9 = 6 levels

64-bit Page Table (4-Level)

64-bit Page Table

RISC-V Page Table Entry

  • Physical page number: Identifies 44-bit physical page location; MMU replaces virtual bits with these physical bits
  • V: If set, an entry for this virtual address exists
  • U: If set, userspace can access this virtual address
  • X, W, R: If set, the CPU can execute, write, or read this virtual address

RISC-V Page Table Flags

RISC-V Page Table Flags

Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)


Managing TLB

  • Address translations are mostly handled by TLB
  • Software loaded TLB (OS); TLB miss faults to OS, OS finds right PTE and loads TLB; OS picks the page table format; May be slow (20-200 cycles typically)
  • Hardware (memory management unit (MMU)); Hardware knows where page tables are in memory (e.g., from CR3)

Lager Page Size

  • Even with TLB, TLB misses can be expensive
    • Happens at the first time any page is accessed (unless with TLB prefetching)
    • For random (non-sequential) access patterns, may have more TLB misses
  • Making TLB misses cheaper -> Larger page sizes!
    • Pages larger than the default 4KB size -> Called huge pages or super pages
    • Huge pages can be any power of 2
  • Minimizes TLB misses
  • Reduces the number of page table entries
  • Improves I/O performance

Huge Pages

  • Allocating huge pages can be hard
    • Need to allocate 2MB or 1GB contiguous physical memory
    • Causes external fragmentation
  • Explicitly specifying huge pages
    • madvise(ptr, 8*1024*1024, MADV_HUGEPAGE) advice to the OS
  • Transparently using huge pages
    • The OS can transparently replace continuous 2MB or 1GB memory blocks with huge pages